Friday, December 13, 2019

Putting Stay at Home Parent on a Resume

Putting Stay at Home Parent on a ResumePutting Stay at Home Parent on a ResumeQ What specific resume recommendations do you have for job-seekers who have been out of work for a period of time because they chose to be a stay at home parent?A I would NOT put Stay at home parent on a resume. Ive seen it, and it just doesnt seem professional. I also would not lie and make things more than they arent- if you were a member of the PTA, dont say Ran local large educational charity entity. That said, if you DID chair a major fundraiser and have demonstrable or quantifiable results, and it is germane to the standort you are applying for, you can mention it.I think it is important to address the time you spent out, but then focus on why youre ready to get back. A cover letter might be a good place to do soIve spent five years at home with my children, but as I transition back into full-time employment I found myself extremely interested in x position because it fits my skill set of That is, men tion the time of, and then move on to why you are a good fit for the position. Talk about how youve kept skills up to date, projects youve completed (perhaps on a consulting basis), and the like.Continue reading a Featured Interview with Meghan McCartan of Detours OnRamps.

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